Panel/Speaker & Roundtables: Bridges to Africa


Vision:  Raise awareness of issues in Sub-Saharan Africa such as educational opportunity and HIV/AIDS.

Community Need:  The Pittsburgh community may not be aware of issues in Sub-Saharan Africa and local organizations that address such issues.

Impact:  The CEE team encouraged community involvement and awareness by hosting an evening of activities including a keynote speaker, eight interactive stations, and resources to local organizations, all focusing on issues in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Additional Information

Sample Documents

Skill Building Resources

Other Panel/Speaker & Roundtable Ideas

  • Tanesha Waid (2011, Arcadia) drew on her experience in Vietnam to create "A Knight of Giving," a luncheon followed by a panel and roundtable discussion on the foster care system in the United States and abroad.

Team Members (left to right):

  • Emily Cowan (Duquesne, Tanzania, Children, Youth, and Families)
  • Rebecca Sedlmeyer (Pitt Johnstown, Austria, Arts & Culture)
  • Molly Knapp (Pitt Titusville, Tanzania, Children, Youth, and Families)
  • Estrellita Olvera (Pitt Titusville, Tanzania, Arts & Culture)
  • Tara Matthews (Pitt Oakland, Tanzania, Economic Opportunity)
  • Anne Black (Duquesne, Morocco, Children, Youth, and Families)